Blog is one of the guaranteed opportunity available to make money online. A blog is an extremely simple and easy way to publish your thoughts online.  Starting your own make money online with blog requires little or no knowledge of programming or web designing. Where as starting a typical website is more complicated and needs some programming knowledge, how every the new generation of online and offline website editing
tools enable you to design a professional looking website with just drag and drop.


One of the more important reasons for increased popularity of blog is that search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and others love it. So your blog gets noticed by search engines lot quicker compared to a typical website which in turn means more making money online.
Typical blogging platform to make money online include WordPress and Blogger. These blogging platforms are extremely simple, flexible and without much programming knowledge you can have a SEO optimized, user friendly blog with lots of cool functionality. Starting your own blog to make money online with
WordPress or Blogger will require around 30 minutes or less.

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make money online

To start a make money online blog you either have an option of setting up WordPress or Blogger blog in your own domain or on WordPress or Blogger domain. The most recommended method of starting a blog to make money online is by setting up these blog on your own domain (example Having a blog on your domain gives you lots of flexibility, options and you will be in charge and you will have more control on your blog. Whereas if you start a blog to make money online without your own domain, (example or has some draw backs. You won’t be in total control of your blog, WordPress or Blogger can delete your make money online blog any time.
To setup free Blog On WordPress:
To setup free Blog on Blogger or your own domain:
To seto WordPress Blog on your own domain:

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