How much money can you make with internet data entry job?
How much money you can make from internet data entry work completely depends on one criteria:
  • How good is your writing?
If you are good in your writing skills, the second part that affects how much money you make is, the topic
you are working on.
If the internet data entry job you are working on is related to high competition topics such as insurance, loans, mortgage, auto etc… You will make 5 to 10 time more when compared to low competition topics such as ‘nail care’ for example.
You will get a better idea on how much you can make with internet data entry jobs by visiting forums and freelancing job sites such as oDesk. With these sites you can get an idea on how much money they are paying to write on different topics.
Other home typing and internet typing opportunities from which you can make money with less competition is through translating documents to your native or local language. This field is relatively new and majority are unaware of this new opportunity, hence there is abundance of work available in this field.
Below are some typical typing rates for a seasoned writer:
  • Basic internet data entry 5 to 10 word document $25 to $30 per hour.
  • Writing a complete article, including content research $25 to $50 per hour.
  • Editing services range from $20 to $25 for 5 word document pages.
If you are just starting out you can get paid around $0.02 to $0.05 per word.

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