If you have been searching for ways to make money online through Google you would have come across many websites that promise thousands every day, they have these big checks displayed on their website as a proof of their earnings of make money online.
The truth is that if this person was indeed earning thousands every day, would he be selling his method for around $9 or $10? Why would a person making money online, earning thousands everyday care for reveling his secrets to everyone. Fact is more the people, more is the competition and less is the money.
One thing you can make out from the above website is the low design quality of the website. If he was indeed earning those huge checks from Google, wouldn’t he have money to get a descent webpage designed? Most of these make money online, make money with Google websites  looks like it has been designed by a 5th standard kid.
Fact is it’s much easier to make money online by selling and marketing products than by making money online with Google AdSense. To make good money online from Google AdSense you require patience and dedication, and you need to work, work and work, at least in the initial period. Making money online with Google AdSense is a very slow process during the initial process of up to around 5 months.
The point is you can find every bit of information you every need to succeed online, every bit of information you need to make money online, you can find everything for free. Internet is the online platform where you can make your first million without spending a dime, all the information, tutorials, guides you ever need is available for free. Just use Google and you will find everything you need to make money online. Spend your money for a better use, instead of giving it to some guru who promises you thousands every day. What you get in return for your money is always crap and useless information.
First step to making money online is:
1.       Join http://forums.digitalpoint.com/ its free and you will find every bit of information you will ever need to make money online in this forum.
There are hundreds of such websites, blogs and forums offering quality, genuine and practical tips, guides and information for free. Make use of Google search, it’s all you need to make money online.
There are some genuine guides, eBooks that help you earn big checks every month, these eBooks would cost around $27 to $97. The important thing is identify if the eBook or the package you are purchasing has quality information. Before I purchase any package or eBook, I search in Google with these:
1.       “product or eBook name” + reviews
2.       “product or eBook name” + digital forum
Do the above search before you purchase and read what other users are saying about the particular eBook or package or make money online program. If you don’t find any reviews or if you don’t find discussion about the particular product on Digital Point Forum, post a question asking members if the package is worth and you are guaranteed to receive use full suggestion on if the product worth your money or not and if it will help you make money online.

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