Guaranteed, free, genuine data entry works are real and I’ll show you where to find them.
I came across a data entry job around few months back. This job advertised itself as genuine and legitimate. It promised me $1000 every month by working part time, by working less than 1 hour every day. They also said the positions where limited and I had to join them “Now” by paying a small membership fee of $97. A few weeks later they still have the same statement on their webpage “limited positions available Join us

Now!”. Simple truth, it’s a scam.
Did you know that you can make a minimum of $25 every day just by working one hour? No joining fee, no membership fee, its completely free, legitimate and guaranteed data entry job. That’s not all, opportunities are unlimited. How much money you make per day is completely dependent on how much effort you put it.
To sum up, it’s a zero risk guaranteed data entry job which you can do from your home at your own time.
Here is the required skill for this job:
  • Good English language skills are must.
  • You must be able to research and write a small article on any topic or the topic you are interested in.
Lately I have been talking about different articles on how to make money by writing contents and articles for websites and blogs. These are the websites that pay you to written on the topic of your choice. You are paid for every article that is accepted for publishing on their site.
Here is one such website This website offers $25 for every article that you submit to them. All articles that you write must be original and your own.  If you can submit one article every day, that makes 30 articles per month. With $25 per article and 1 article every day you can make $750 per month and that’s the minimum you can make with 1 hour of work every day. So how much money you make with article data entry jobs is directly dependent on you.
Here are the other sites that pay you to write: Associate Content and eHow. But before you start submitting articles to these sites, it’s better to browse through the website to know the quality and style of the articles published.

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