Free home typing work – My own home typing work business
We all have seen those thousands of ads which promise a full time income by joining them by paying a small fee. 99% of these home typing jobs are scam and you are not going to real make any substantial money from them. That’s plain truth.
If you want to make money with home typing jobs, your best options are article and content writing. Here is

one site that I make money from,, its free to join and you need not spend any money. oDesk is a great place to find lot of home typing jobs. Check out their content writing section.
Home typing jobs listed here either pays you on hourly basis or on article basis. If your typing work is an hourly paid project, you will typically get paid around $5 to $10 per hour and this amount increases once you successfully complete a few projects.
If your typing at home work is a onetime paid project, you will get paid for the number of words you type in the article. When you are just starting out you will get paid from $0.02 to $0.05 per word you type. A typical article include around 300 to 1000 or more words.  The good thing is its completely free, complete the work and get paid for typing, its that simple.

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