Get paid to keep your computer on or get paid for being online. Getting paid for being online are on of the first make money online programs to hit the internet. To make money from home using these programs all you need to do is surf the internet, check your e-mail and have fun.
Get paid for being online programs vary from auto surf. With these online make money programs you get
paid for just running a toolbar or get paid for being online. The advantage with these get paid for being online programs is that, these programs cut out the middle man connecting advertisers directly to visitors. The main aim for the advertiser is to draw visitors to their website or program.
The amount you can make directly by participating in these paid to keep your computer on programs is quite small, but there are a number of ways how you can maximize the amount you get paid from these programs.
Some of the ways to increase the money you make being online is to join different get paid for being online programs and by referring users to these programs. These programs normally have 2 tiers to 5 tier referral affiliate programs. Once you refer others to the programs and once they sign up under your referral link, you get paid a percentage of earnings as long as they earn.
With these multi tier affiliate or referral system you make money when every other under you make money. This keeps members in all level motivated and encourages every member to refer a member below him. Since if there are more members under your referral, you will get paid more and work less, this keeps the chain in an ever increasing graph, which means that the amount you get paid increase every month and the work decreases

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