Why do you need to add a signature with a backlink to your original blog post? I think you know the reason very well but still I will repeat it. Adding quality content to your blog is a major factor for the success, but what if someone scraps and published your content to their blog without your permission. It feels very bad since you don't have control to others what they do, but at-least you can get a credit each time your content published on other blogs. Most of the scrapers use auto blogging tool which is based on the RSS. The tool can scrap the content from RSS feed, and publish to the destination blog link. It means, if you want to get a credit from your scraper, you should add a signature including backlink to your blog post in your Blogger feed.

how to add backlink in feedburner feed
Photo Credit: @pixabay

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1 comment

  1. I agree with your point that adding quality content to our blog is a major factor for the success in ranking. I think we have to make a good content for backlinks.
    Equity Tips
