Write protection allows a drive or SD card to keep its contents from being changed. This effectively prevents you from using the drive in any sort of meaningful way. There are many ways to disable write protection, from toggling a physical switch to delving into your computer’s advanced settings. However, if the drive has been corrupted, formatting it to a blank slate may be your only option.

Change the sharing permissions. Some devices, but not all, will let you change the sharing permissions even if write protection is enabled. If you are using a Windows computer, right click the device icon and select Share → Advanced Settings → Permissions. Check the “full control” box, and select OK.
  • If the error message you get tells you the file is write-protected, not the drive or memory card, skip to the section on disabling write protection for files instead.
Enter “cmd” in the Start menu. To access the command line in Windows, open the Start menu and type cmd in the search field. Press Enter, and a command window should pop up.
  • The command line does not use your cursor. Just type, and use “delete” or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move back to correct a mistake.
Enter “list disk.” Type list disk and hit Enter. This will list all disks accessible on your computer, include the USB Drive or memory card. If you don’t know which drive listed is the write-protected device, find the icon of the device in your My Computer folder and note its name before you continue.
  • You can also identify the device by ejecting it, typing “list disk” again, and seeing which disk disappeared.
  • If your device does not appear, try “list volume” instead. In this case, you’ll need to replace the commands below with “volume” wherever they use “disk.”
elect the disk. Once you’re sure which disk is yours, type select disk X, replacing X with the number of the disk. (For example, type select disk 2 if disk 2 is the write-protected device.)
Type “attributes disk clear readonly” and press enter. The command attributes disk clear readonly should remove any write protection on the disk if it exists.

  • Type the command exactly as shown. “readonly” is one word.
    Exit disk utility. Type exit and press Enter to quit disk utility
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