Do you want to add your Google Adsense ads below post title or below to post content area for higher CTR? If yes, this post is specially for you that supposed you to add any ads below post title on each Blogger post. If you have an approved Google adsense account, the best way to earn money from your blog is to display your Google adsense ads into your blog. The ads placement is also an element to improve your Google adsense revenue. You might have noticed Google Adsense ads placement on the popular blogs. They display at least one adsense ad below to post title. Due to this placement, you'll get higher CTR & CPC so CPM. Doubt! Why CPC? Let's give you a hint, always try to load your higher CTR adsense ad unit at first in your blog post. Placing your ads below to post title may disable your Google adsense account since it may mislead your visitors. Below post title area has some circumstances, you must follow it. If you are new to adsense or don't know it terms you should read placing Google Adsense ads below post title terms & condition to protect your adsense account from getting ban.

how to add adsense ads below post title
Showing Google Adsense ads below to Blogger's post title
'Google Adsense logo is a registered trademark of Google Inc.'
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