How to Create/Edit/Delete Friend Lists in Facebook | Add/Remove Friends
Facebook offers you to create friend lists into your Facebook profile which is an optional way to organize your friends. If you are connected with the internet, you may connect with your friends, business partners or interested groups. It was very hardly to get the proper updates from your different interest into your news feed. Now you have an option via the Facebook lists that will show the news you are interested in. For example, you can create a list, name "Business" for your business partners, including your company workers. You can now see only the news in your feed for "Business" list only. Similarly, you can add different types of list. Google+ has that function by default as circle feature, means the right information to the right person. Now, Facebook beats it with the Facebook lists feature so that you can filter the stories you see in your news feed by categories. You can also control what updates you want to show in your stream for individual lists. Therefore, here is how to add/remove friend lists on Facebook.

create friend lists in facebook
Friends List in Facebook
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How To Hide/Show Mobile Number On Facebook For Specific Friends
Do you want to show your mobile number to specific friends on Facebook? You can do whatever you want to hide with the privacy settings. I am already on some other social networking sites, all are awesome, but if we talk about the privacy, Facebook is the best. Facebook allows you to hide any personal information to users including your friends. You can also read my previous post about the privacy that will hide your Facebook profile from search engines. In this post, I will show you the way by which you can hide your mobile number from Facebook for specific friends and lists or showing your mobile number to the same. There are so many companies that collect user's mobile no. and uses it for third party advertisement. You are already getting the ads from your network operator. For your network operator, you can easily use DND (do not disturb) service. If you are showing your mobile no. publicly on Facebook, then your mobile no. can easily be caught by the companies, and you would get unwanted ads. Therefore, here is how to hide mobile number on Facebook.

hiding your mobile number on facebook
Hide your Mobile Number on Facebook to Specific Groups of Friends

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How To Add Official Google+ Badge/Widget To Blogger/Blogs
Google+ is officially provided you badges for your profile, pages or communities that you can add into your websites or blogs. The easiest and smarter way to grow your community is to add Google plus widget to your blogs. Users may add your official Google plus page to their circles, and would give you a thumb up as +1 to your blog. You can see my Google+ page badge in the right sidebar area, you may add my page to your circles, and I appreciate if you +1 it. They also would be able to give a thumb up to your blog via the +1 button. I have also added a Google+ profile page below to this article, please add me in your circle. Therefore, here is a quick guide to add Google+ badges as page, community or profile to blogs.

Add Google Plus Badge Widget To Blogger
Official Google+ Page Badge for Blogs
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no image
Dofollow and Nofollow links both are the part of link building strategies by which you can improve your SEO ranking of the websites or blogs. Between both types of links, the dofollow links are better than the nofollow links. Basically, if your site has a dofollow link from another site then this link would be a positive vote by that website owner to your website or blog. Major search engines follow the dofollow links. Dofollow links impact your search engine ranking positions. Therefore, you should always try to earn quality dofollow links to your website for the SEO visibility on the web. If you are surfing over the WebPages you couldn't distinguish the type of links, which is dofollow or nofollow. However, you can find few solutions for it to detect the type of the links by a single click on Firefox or Google chrome browser. Getting the dofollow links for your blog are not a very hard task in these days because there are so many blogs that allowed the author's comment section links as dofollow, and this type of blogs are called dofollow blogs. You have to distinguish the type of links in the comment section. If you see the author's link is dofollow, then you can comment over here with a linkback to your website. Please keep in mind, comment on quality blogs only or comment only on specific number of blogs otherwise Google will treat it as a spam, and penguin will eat your blog. You may read our latest article for common SEO mistakes to avoid Google panda & penguin penalties. Don't comment on that blog like "nice article, thank you so much ...". It would be better, read some amount of article, and then comment related to the article, it will also help to get approved your comment easily. You can also write a guest post on the high quality blogs, and in return you can get a link back to your own website. Therefore, here is how could you show the dofollow and nofollow links in the WebPages.

Update: You should maintain the natural ratio of your dofollow and nofollow inbound links. If you have only dofollow links toward your site, it is green signal for Google that you involved in artificial link building. You should keep in mind that few unnatural links toward your site may harm your overall site performance due to Google penguin updates.
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Post Status Updates/View News Feed/Get Notifications Without Going to Facebook
Do you want to share your status updates on Facebook without using official website? Do you want t o view your Facebook news feed without Login to official website? In this guide, we will help you to get the notifications without going to Facebook. As we all know, Facebook is now become a no. 1 brand in social networking site, and Facebook has developed so many things recently in their website. There are so many developers who are developing the extension on browsers. I am sharing a cute chrome extension that will win your heart. When I used it, I really liked it, and I am just tell to its developer a very big thanks. This chrome extension for Facebook, lets you share your wall updates, gets notification for your friends activity, reply messages to your friends and even you can check your friends list without going to Facebook official site. This chrome extension will add a Facebook icon onto the chrome toolbar. No matter, in which website you are, whenever you get notification this icon pop up you with the red integer. I hope you will love it. It will also add "Share on Facebook" in the right click menu. So right click on any link, picture, or page and click "Share on Facebook". It will update as your status, and will be shown the status is via chrome. Therefore, here is a chrome extension to update your Facebook status.

facebook chrome extension

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Choose/Show Specific Friends/People To Google+ Plus Profile Page
Google+ is also good in terms of privacy similar as Facebook. You would have an option to display/hide your friends on your Google plus profile page. If you want to display your friends, you would have a sub option to display specific friends or specific circle's friends. In other hand, you can also control who can see it. For your kind information, Google+ Project is very strict about Google+ user's privacy policy and Google respect the associated data of their users. you can read more about Google+ Privacy. You can also hide/show the peoples who have added you in their circles. In the previous article, I have written an article to make your Google+ more secure by allowing the Google+ notifications on your mobile phones. Therefore, here is how to show or hide your friends on Google+.

show people to google plus profile page

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Download All Google Plus Data To Desktop Hard Drive | Google+ Backup
Google plus now allows you to download your data such as profile, hangouts, your circles, stream, photos, +1's, and Google+ pages to your desktop hard drive. Except Google+ you can also download your other Google product data such as bookmarks, mail, contacts, drive, blogger, YouTube, and much more. You can take a look what you can download by clicking here. Let us you have captured some photos from your phone, and uploaded to your Google+ account. Due to any reason, your mobile has lost or damaged, and you want to recover your family photos that matters to you. Don't worry; make a backup of your photos from Google+ to your desktop. Using Google+ account, you can secure your photos. You also have an option to backup some specific data too. For example, you can only backup your contacts or your circles too. You can also backup all the data with one click into your Google plus profile. Therefore, here is how to backup Google+ data to the system hard drive.

google plus data download to desktop

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How to Update Google Plus Status By Mobile Phone via SMS Text
Do you want to update your Google+ status update by your mobile phone? If yes, this is a simple guide for you. No matter your phone has internet connection or not. It is basically runs over your SMS carrier charges. Nowadays, you can find the best tariff plan for your network SMS charges. You may read our previous post for getting Google+ notifications on mobile phones. If you want to update status from your phone then you have to write text and send to a proper number as you sending messages normally. Doesn't matter which network sim you are using in your mobile phone whatever you are using such as Reliance, Vodafone, Airtel, BSNL... and So on. Generally, the status updates sending by the phone are visible to public, but Google Plus also offers you to update your updates to your specific circles by writing some additional text in to your message. I have also described it in the following post. Therefore, here a quick guide to update your Google+ status via mobile phone.

update google plus post via mobile sms
Google+ Status Update via Phone SMS Test
"Sending updates to Google Plus via SMS, data rates apply according to your network."

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How To Get Google Plus Notification Updates On Mobile Phones
Google Plus notification on mobile phone is very much similar as on Facebook. The main advantage of mobile notifications is that when you don't have internet connection you will get the proper updates. Just you have to verify your mobile number with your Google Plus profile. Once you verified, you can control the notifications you want to get into your mobile phone, such as get notification if some one 'add to a circle', 'share a post with me directly', 'comments on a photo I tagged'.... and so many I can't explain here. Therefore, firstly you have to link and verify your mobile phone number with your Google plus profile page.

google plus notification updates on mobile phones

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Google+ : Send Private / Direct Messages To Friends in Google Plus
+ PM Google plus has no option to send the private messages to your friends, and doesn't have inbox or outbox, which may be a negative part of Google plus. Therefore, Is it impossible to send the private messages to our friends in Google+ without having the inbox or outbox features? No, nothing is impossible here, because impossible directly show i-m-possible. We can do it by the visibility feature of the circles. Have you noticed that Google Plus doesn't allow your friends to write on your wall, while Facebook allowed, which is the beauty of Google Plus. Another beauty of Google+ is that you can send private messages to your friends similarly as you update your Google+ status. In other hand, your friend will receive that messages in their news feed that would be visible only to you. The trick is very simple, but many of my friends don't know about private messaging in Google+, and ask me that how to send private messages in Google+. Below is the solution for this problem.

how to send private message in google plus
Private Messaging System on Google+
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Bold/Italic/Strikethrough Text in Google Plus | Google+ Text Formatting
Text formatting such as bold, italic and strike-through is a good technique to catch the eye of the viewers. You may use these text formatting into Google plus posts and comment section. Text formatting is basically a technique to show the most important part inside any paragraph by making it bold, italic or strikethrough. To make these formatting on your text, you have to use some special characters at the suffix and prefix in your words. You may also check out the mostly common slang word's full form used on social networks like Google+ and Facebook by going to Facebook Slang post. As in my previous post, I wrote about how to use these formatting texts in Facebook chat, status updates, and groups. you can now also use rich text formatting in WhatsApp. In this post, we will also use the technique that is slightly different from the previous post. Therefore, here is how to use Google+ formatting as Bold, Italic and Strikethrough text.

bold italic strikethrough text in google plus
Bold, Italic & Strikethrough in Google+

Featured: Write Upside Down Rotate Text on Google+ & Facebook

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How To Hide Facebook Profile From Google Search Engine
Do you want to hide your Facebook profile from major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and ASK? If yes, this guide will help you to hide your Facebook profile from major search engines. We all know that Facebook is a top brand among all the social networking sites, and have Alexa rank #1 with Google PageRank(PR) 10/10. Therefore, all the major search engines like Google indexed almost every page of Facebook, including your profile page, and expose into the first or second page. Everyone can find to anyone via Google search by searching with their name. In addition, many people who don't want to expose their profile into Google search engine, and don't want to get unwanted friend requests. If you are one of them, you can prevent your Facebook profile to get listed on Google. Therefore, here is a guide to hide Facebook profile on search engines like Google.

how to hide facebook profile to google search engine
Hide Your Facebook Profile from Search Engines
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Most Common Slang Words Full Form For Facebook Status/Chatting
LOL ASAP, ASL, RIP, OMG,... These are the very common slang words in the social networking sites while we consider the conversation with friends. Some of the social networking slang words also have been added to the Oxford dictionary. You can check out the latest BBC News. There is no doubt that in the fast forward world everyone wants to optimize the time even when they communicate to others. If you communicate with your friends on any social networking sites like Facebook, then you would like to talk much more things within the short period of time. It is simple. You can optimize your time by using the slang words into your chat conversation. We sometimes find the short words into our chat or in the status updates that we could not be able to understand. Therefore, here I have listed some most commonly spoken slang words that you can use in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, or on any social networking sites.

most wanted slang words for Facebook and Google Plus
Most Useful Slang Words for Facebook & Google+
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