Facebook Profile Viewer : Latest/Recent Visitors on Your Facebook Profile
Do you want to know who visited on your Facebook profile? Obviously yes, but Facebook doesn't allow you to view friends who visited your Facebook timeline profile.

Few years back, If you remembered there was a name called "Orkut" that was the most famous social networking site. Google had officially shut down it on 30 September, 2014. Orkut had the most beautiful feature to show the recent visitors profile link. This feature is not available on Facebook due to the user's privacy. Facebook is very strict to disclose their user's privacy. However, there are many applications that claim to show your recent visitors of your Facebook profile and most of them are garbage. No application or website can show you the actual result that you want, however, it may show you the possible outcomes i.e, the users who possibly visit your profile and interact with you most frequently. You may also search for "Facebook profile Viewer", you may get few chrome extension too but they are garbage. You will install them and later you will have to uninstall them because of no results.

If any application or online site are claiming to show you the exact result either they are collecting your Facebook info i.e., friends name, mobile no, date of birth and locations or show your friend list randomly.

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Discrete Mathematics and it's applications 7th edition by Keneth H. Rosen free download

Hi gyzz...
  Today I'm offering a book of Discrete Mathematics for students ....

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And Don't forget to share with your friends. :)
How to create HTML List | Unordered/Ordered/Definition Lists
In this post, I will explain how you can create ordered, unordered or definition lists using HTML. You will also learn how you can merge ordered list into unordered list or vice-versa. Ordered or unordered lists are useful to sort out the things into separate lines over the webpage or on the paper. The HTML tag for unordered list is <ul> and the HTML tag for ordered list is <ol>. In both lists, each list item will be start with <li> tag. Let us give you an example.

how to create a HTML list
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The Seven Habbits of Highly Effective Peoples pdf

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Don't Forget to share with Friends and other peoples on social networks etc, Thanks for visiting here! God Bless You!
How to Unlock Android's Pattern with CMD

How to Unlock Lock Pattern Using Command Prompt:-

Step 1: Connect your Android Phone to Your Computer.
Step 2 : Open command prompt as administrator.
Step 3 : Now in command prompt window type the following code carefully exactly as it is and then press enter.
adb shell
cd /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases
sqlite3 settings.db
update system set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';
Step 4 : Now you will some screen as shown below and then you can reboot your phone and now when your will start again then try unlocking your phone using any random lock pattern and it will work pretty fine.
Step 5 : If you face any problem repeat same steps but instead of the above code try using adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key and then press enter and now try rebooting your device to see if it works

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The 5 Rewards of Local SEO to Your Small Business
Do you own a business? Do you have a website for it?

If your answer is an affirmative, then read on to know how local search engine optimization (SEO) can help your business.

But first, let us give you a brief introduction.

Local SEO applies the same optimization strategies such as the creation of quality content, proper use of keywords, and link building. But instead of focusing on global results, it aims to rank your site for a certain geographic area.

To illustrate, let us say that you run a restaurant in Delhi and in particular serve burgers. To make sure local customers and Web users know about your business and specialty, you need to optimize your site and your webpages to appear for search results like “burgers Delhi,” “burgers in Delhi,” or even “Delhi burgers.”

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Local SEO for your Small Business
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Can Social media sites impact your SEO strategies? Follow this guidelines to know that how social media impact on your SEO. Companies have started to place a large emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO) in order to generate traffic and reach out to new customers. These companies know that an online presence is important if you want to resonate with today’s society, and SEO can help boost this online presence.

how social media impacts on SEO
Social Media + SEO
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Find Free Images for Blog/Commercial Business without Watermark
Finding free images for your blog are always very time-consuming task. You can not use images that you get with Google image search for your commercial work, if you doing it, you are using someone else copyright work that may harm you and your business. If you have a blog, and you are using copyright images into your blog post, the owner can claim the copyrighted work to Google, hosting company and into the court. Your blog posts will be de-indexed from Google, your hosting company may delete the content or disabled your account. If you want to establish your business online for lifetime, you have to respect copyright work and be fair to be live fair.
how to find images for my blog for free!
However, there are several online sources by which you can find images for your blog for free, means without breaking your bank balance, these are the images either license under creative commons 0 (CC0) or public domains images that you can use even for your commercial work.
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