How to install Turbo C++ in Android || Enter_iT
Hi gyzz...
today my post is about..
"How to install Turbo C++ in Android Mobiles"
So here we go....
You need these three files,
You can download them from given below links...
Click links .. wait for 5 seconds and then click on skip ad...

1: ES file explorer -->
2:   -->
3: AnDosBox -->

After downloading these three files...
1st install ES file Explorer ....
After installing ES File Explorer..
2nd You need to install AnDosBox....
after installing this, .. ..
Now go to the "sd card" and Create a new folder named "TC" without " "
Now go to the location where file is located, open it and Extract it in the new folder created as TC
and extract it to there, after extract You need to open AnDosBox from apps menu....
click on First option and Open terminal, touch menu and enable Keyboard there
after these all steps, type these respectively....
cd TC           (hit enter)
cd BIN         (hit enter)
TC.exe         (hit enter)

that's it... Your Turbo C++ has been installed and running Well
Quick Tips for Doing the Most Excellent Blogging
Since last few years, blogging is proved to be a good communication medium to share your thoughts, opinions, knowledge and experiences to those who can be benefited by such sharing. Blogging is widely used by all generations to reach maximum people and become popular among them. Blog is the ultimate way to express your knowledge and give opinion about the current affairs. There are some blogs that are not becoming widely accepted or not followed by as many people as expected due to lack of knowledge about blogging. Here are some tips which if followed can deliver a good blog post and can attract many of the followers as expected.

how to guide for blogging
Tips for Doing the Better Blogging
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Google Web Fonts to Blogger : How to Use/Add
Do you want to use different fonts for your blog? The perfect solution is to use Google web fonts. Google font library is a great source of web fonts used by web developers and designers. Google web fonts are also free of cost so you can use it for your personal or commercial blogs. There are millions of blogs on the web and everyone want the uniqueness of their blog including this blog. You can differentiate your blog with other blogs with as many little things like CSS style, design, functionality, images and font styles. In this post, I am talking about web fonts. You can also use web fonts to differentiate your blog with the crowd. You have many ways to choose different font style in Google web font library that you can use in your Blogger blogs. Therefore, here is a simple guide to use Google web fonts in Blogger.

use Google fonts in Blogger
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Make Fake Twitter Tweets & Messages by Twitter Generators
Do you want to know how other peoples generate the fake Twitter tweet on popular social networking sites like Facebook, Google plus and Twitter itself? Making a fake tweet or lets a celebrity talk about you from their official account is very handy. You just need to use a fake Twitter tweet generator tool on the web. There are many Twitter tweet generators are there for free, I am listening few of the best one in this post that you can use without any hard work. In the recent blog post, we have published how can you make fake Facebook status updates or Facebook messages. Keep in mind, that types of tools are created only for fun, prank your friends, so while creating a fake Twitter tweet, respect others and don't hurt others. Let you want to use someone profile picture then simply go to their Twitter profile page, and download the image that you can use it later. Therefore, here are few best fake Twitter tweet generators.

Make your Twitter Tweets fake by a generator
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Create Fake Facebook Status Updates/Wall Posts & Chat Messages
Do you want to prank your friends? Today, I am sharing a cool Facebook tips that will let you create fake Facebook Wall posts to your and your friends timeline followed by Facebook comments. You can also create a fake Facebook status update of your friends and show them to fool them. In case you missed my guide to create fake Twitter tweets, you can check it out. There are many tools to create fake Facebook wall posts but I am only considering here the best one. While creating fake status, you can add friend's name, status update or comments and their profile photo. The best thing using the following tool is that you can add your friend's profile photo using the image's direct link so you don't need to download it for using it later. Therefore, here is a guide to create faking Facebook wall posts or fake Facebook chat messages history.

wanna prank friend by creating fake status on facebook. Here it is!

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