Stop/Disable/Turn-off Auto-Play Facebook Videos in Newsfeed
Have you noticed Facebook silently play videos in your Facebook newsfeed while you scroll down? Basically, Facebook has turned on auto play videos in their default mode for the desktop users. However, you can easily choose to set autoplay on or off for the Facebook videos showing in your newsfeed. Mobile users might set Facebook videos auto play function on for the WiFi connections only. If you have a limited 3G or 2G plans, auto play videos setting might hurt you as it will take much more data. I don't know why Facebook has enabled auto play 'on' for videos in newsfeed. Users are more likely to play videos that they are interested in, there is no guarantee that a user and his friends belong to the same interest so the case is also true for the shared videos. If you don't want to play Facebook videos automatically, here is a simple guide to turning off auto play Facebook videos for desktop & mobile users.

how to stop or turn off auto play facebook videos in newsfeed
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Upload High Quality Images/Photos on Facebook w/ Compress
Facebook is a most popular social platform to share your voice and photos with your friends. Have you ever noticed the quality of the images you have uploaded on Facebook with the original photo? Is it slightly different from the original photo in terms of quality? The more photos shared on a server means the more space a server need. That is why, Facebook uses compression on the photos to save server's space. When you upload a photo on Facebook, it will automatically passing through a standard compressor mode that reduces the size of the images, and you'll get compressed slightly low quality images. Most of the websites have their own compression algorithm to save the space, however compression in Facebook is far better than any other websites.

share high quality images without compress on facebook
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Make Responsive Images in Blogger Post/Sidebar using CSS3
Have you a Blogger blog? If yes, are you using responsive images into your Blogger posts? If no, read this post to make any image from your Blogger post, sidebar or footer into responsive image. If you are using a responsive Blogger template, your images inside the Blogger posts would likely to have responsive image. If you are using Blogger default template or non-responsive template then you should also make your images responsive. We have seen many bloggers using default template which is not responsive having few images that are bigger than the post container width, and images overlapped its post container. That's why responsive images are also better for non-responsive templates too. Let you have a fixed width of your post container assuming 600px, and if you upload an image of 700px then this image will show from outside of your post container which is not a better user experience for your readers. Instead of it, you can make your images responsive inside your post container that will scale your 700px image into your 600px fixed post container. Therefore, here is a quick guide to make images into responsive images in your Blogger blog.

You may also read other Blogger responsive tutorials guide:

how to add responsive images in Blogger
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New Way to Monetize your Blogs for US, UK, Canada & more...
A great opportunity for Bloggers with a new way to monetize their blogs or websites. However this opportunity is specific to few countries including United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil and Mexico. Publishers belong to these countries can monetize their blog. Google is trying to expand this opportunity to more countries so that peoples around the world can monetize their blog with it. If you're from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh you need to wait for this opportunity to monetize your blog or you can consider to earning $25 instantly withdrawn by PayPal by an affiliate program. Most of the users already know about Google adsense, affiliate marketing or direct ad selling to generate revenue, but these are not limited. There are so many methods to make money online, just you have to pick up the best one for you, if anyone works for you, can be a game changer for your life. Therefore, here is a new way to monetize blogs for US, UK, Canada and more countries.

how to monetize your blog new way
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Auto Post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn when Publish Post from Blog
Are you a Blogger? You're often use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to post your blog's article. However, posting the same content on different social media sites is time consuming. Here is a new service for you by which you can save a lot of time that will let's you publish your article on your blog, and it will be auto posted to Facebook wall or page, Twitter, LinkedIn profile or business page. It will also auto detect your post title, description and the featured image. Make sure, you are using open graph meta tags into your blog. If you frequently tweet your posts I would recommend you to use Twitter summary meta tags into your Blogger. Auto post into social media also has a function to filter your posts with the keywords so you can set or not to set your post to be published according to the keywords including in your post title or description. You can also share your posts to multiple social accounts from here such as to multiple Twitter accounts or multiple Facebook accounts. Therefore, here is a quick guide auto post to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn from blogs.
automatically post to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
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Earn $25 Instantly by Placing your Affiliate Banner in Your Blog
Good news for you folks! You can earn easy $25 for just placing a banner ad into your blog. If you did not start affiliate marking yet into your blog, it is a great opportunity to try affiliate marketing. You don't need to be having a high traffic blog so it is a win-win situation for you and your blog. Also, you are sharing a great tool to your readers that might be useful for them. You don't only earn $25 to your affiliate account while you will also get paid $.2 for each user sign up using your affiliate banner. To apply for this offer, you need to create an affiliate account and placing your affiliate banner into your blog. You are done! Is not it simple? Therefore, here is a quick step by step guide to earn $25 for placing your affiliate banner into your blog.

Affiliate program that pays instantly though paypal
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How To Make Money With A Blog With AdSense monetized?
We give you 10 tips to make more money in your blog if you are implementing Google AdSense advertising, we have many recommendations on this site, but it is good to remember the good instructions and for that I share this post.

How To Make Money With A Blog With AdSense monetized

How to Make Money With Google AdSense on your blog?

There are many recipes to really make good money from advertising Google AdSense and not good to talk about if we have no experience so if you have or think monetize your blog with it, you should read these tips to ensure that your venture is profitable.

Many people find it easy to find profitable niches and uncompeti (it's the best we can do), but not everyone knows focus their efforts on what really given good results. That said, the first thing you have to do is identify those niches where we can position well on many search keywords and pay per clik which is good, say more than 50 cents!

Recommendations To Earn More With AdSense Advertising

I present 10 recommendations to monetize very well with your blog with Google AdSense, but if we approach it in another way, it can also be the detallarte 10 errors that can be committed or that in the future could make if you do not follow the advice in this guide !

What are those good recommendations ?. Then I leave the top 10 guidelines for your blog to be profitable with this advertising:

1- The best location for your ads

Nobody doubts that make a good location of the blocks or boxes of ads is vital to generate good income with this advertising or otherwise. A good tip is to place Adsense in the most visible places of your web site, this way we ensure more clicks, and talking about it, the best areas to place these ads are:

A) - The head.

B) - The upper area of ​​your Sidebar.

C) - The upper left area of ​​your publication and if it is a format that fills all the better.
D) - Within the content. Many bloggers and users do not like them, but worth it.

2- Post regularly on your blog

If you want strong position your blog and create a community of readers willing to support your project, you must not only publish relevant content and very good quality, but it must do so on a regular basis. In short we can tell you the following:

Organic traffic from Google and other search engines + a good community of readers Visits = = = Good Ad Clicks earned money with Google Adsense on your blog.

3- Write consistently

Make sure your publications are understandable, they try these on a specific topic and that is easily identifiable. The reason is obvious: Google Adsense uses a robot that scans your page, thus determining which ads to show. If the Google AdSense robot will get confused and can not clearly identify what the page is, you can not actually show relevant ads.

4- Create good headlines

Your headlines should include keywords from the article. These keywords also greatly influence the analysis that make the robots Adsense contextual ads to display on your page. Identifies keywords well paid, that you can do using the Google AdWords tool.

5- Always show alternate ads

You not always have the same demand for ads, so it's possible that at some point Google has no relevant ads to show or for some reason can not analyze well your page to display ads related. It is a guarantee to always display advertising on your blog, if not relevant as to generate clicks, it will be to give you a few cents per print.

6- Never Clicking on your own ads

AdSense is very careful of the interests of advertisers and do not allow any kind of fraud, we know that it is very common for new bloggers to monetize this advertising are eager to see money in their accounts, but avoid accidental clicks up to not losing your mind.

7- Never violate the rules of AdSense

Not only is the famous song by clicking on your own ads, but also there are other rules you must follow so we suggest do what almost no one does: read the terms of use and all the information and guidance that offers Google Adsense.

Google Adsense, like any other company, has its rules. If you violate any of them, let me tell you run the risk of losing all your income accumulated so far, but more than that, that your account is disabled, and be marked on the black list of AdSense for life.

8- Do not try to Highlight your ads

Many bloggers to monetize with AdSense make the mistake of highlighting their ads, but is proven by studies, that advertising works best when viewed so that it fits with the content and design of the Blog. If you fit the web, visitors will clik with greater confidence as may think they are part of the content.

9. Remember to measure the performance of your ads

This advertising allows you to set your own criteria for monitoring. The monitoring criteria allow you to measure the performance of each ad or special page of this form to view your balance, you will have the information on how much money generated each specific ad or each format.

10- Generate good traffic or visits to your blog

We know that without traffic no clicks and not earn money with this or any advertisement that you put on your blog. Here are some tips for a good number of visitors on your pages:

A) - Being consistent is your publications: No matter if your blog is on a micronicho, where we always have to grow and a number of publications in your blog and shared on your social markers are good source of traffic. Important to note contents that are interesting and a lot of people are searching the Internet.

B) - Optimize your blog SEO par. We do not mean you have to become an SEO , but at least, must know and apply the basics of SEO to get traffic and user experience sufficient to be able to have a really profitable blog with AdSense.

A good tip (for those who know little about SEO), is to learn as much as possible of the experts and never, but never, implement a practice penalized by Google. At this point it is important to understand that your position should be or at least, should be natural.

C) - Promote your blog in different social networks. They are very good Google+ and Facebook, but there are hundreds of social networks in which you do not get much traffic to your website, but if a link quality and although from Google say they do not help the search engine optimization, the truth is that all experiments They say yes!

Remember that with a little knowledge and some work you can get your business online with a blog, this project will be profitable if you can be able to do things well and with Google AdSense have a golden opportunity.
Schedule Facebook Posts to Profile Timeline, Groups & Pages
Facebook officially allows you to schedule your status update posts into your Facebook business page only. You cannot schedule your posts from your personal timeline and groups you are the admin. There could be some reasons for Facebook, or you can say spamming that triggered to Facebook not allowing scheduled posts for profile. Posting the same thing on pages, groups and personal profiles are most time consuming. If you are a Blogger like me, you might also feel like that. There are many third party services which allow you to schedule your posts for your personal profile timeline. Therefore, I am considering here a best one to schedule your Facebook posts to profile timeline.

how to schedule facebook posts to profile
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Responsive Embed YouTube, Dailymotion & Vimeo Videos in Blogs
Do you want to embed your YouTube videos responsively in your blog? If yes, welcome to this page. I will use some CSS3 syntax to make any video responsive wrapped with an iframe. Therefore, the same CSS code will also work for your Dailymotion and Vimeo videos to make it responsive on your blog post. Using video in your blog post is always a thumb up vote by your audience but due to the different types of devices you should also consider better user interface of your blog. The best way is to use responsive design, and use everything responsive as possible to deliver better UI of your blog. For example, you can use social share buttons inside blog post responsive and responsive Facebook fan page like box. Therefore, here is a quick guide to responsive embedded YouTube, Dailymotion & Videos.

how to embed responsively youtube videos in blogger
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