Dragon Age 2 PC Game
To the Origins, BioWare dredging up cubes background to mind their best writers. New ground was invented flag with religious intolerance and racism inherent. Then, when the continent was Thedas concrete, BioWare forgot they invented all that attractive and hit the typical "kill the big bad things" fancy frame on top. Despite its size and surprise, Origen does not make full use of their fascinating world.

Dragon Age 2 PC Game

 Dragon Age 2 PC Game

Dragon Age 2 is doing well. This is another epic RPG, still takes more than 50 hours to complete. He still has a deep complex combat system, and still throw a clearly defined support. But it is also an RPG, which prides itself on its mythology, confident in his purpose to trace the emergence of complete and utter Badass. Do You.

We expect that our heroes RPG experience a gradual process of learning and skills as they discover that ah, better insert the tip of the sword of the enemy. But the first time I held Hawke, who had access to the skills of front-line combat. Surrounded by creatures of darkness on the hill, I killed with energy.
Make Blogger Blog Private Tips and Tricks
Make Blogger Blog Private

Blogs created on blogger are by default open for all readers so that they can come and read any blog according to their choice. But sometime we need to make our blog private so that nobody can read it without our permission like in case of private blog where we share our family photos for family members only or a blog for friends so that only they can read that blog. The reason can be different for different bloggers to make their blogger blog private and restricted for specific readers.

Blogger provides a weird tool by which we can easily restrict our blog for public readers. They will not be able to access our site. Only blog admins and authors can access the blog if they are log in to their Google account. Let's start the tutorial.

Make Private Blog in Blogger

Log in to Blogger and go to Settings >> Basics >> Blog readers.

blogger basic settings

Under the blog readers section click on edit link where you will find below three options.

  1. Anybody: This option is selected by default means your blog is open for public readers. Anyone can access your blog.

  2. Only Blog Authors: If you choose this option then your blog will become restricted for public users. Only blog admin and blog authors can read the blog. But they have to log in to their Google Account to access the blog.

  3. Only These Readers: This is the last option which provides the facility to open your blog for particular readers. You can enter the list of their email ids so that they can receive an invitation to become your blog readers.
Choose any one from these three options and click on "Save changes" button.
How To Get Your AdSense Code
In the Adsense facilitate forum there are usually requests on the way to generate an advertisement code, and where to search out it, therefore this page is for all those Newbies who are finding it troublesome to follow the written data. These are the fundamental steps for generating ad codes for your web site or blog from among your AdSense Account.

1. Login to your AdSense account and notice the "Setup Adsense" tab along the highest of your screen. On the primary page of the setup you will see an inventory of product you'll be able to use from your Adsense account.

NOTE: Even though you have got a blog together with your own custom domain name (ie: myblog.com or newsite.net etc.) you want to NOT select AdSense for Domains. Adsense for Domains is merely for domains that do not have any web site or blog - in different words, it's for domain names that are not developed.

2. Once you have selected the "Adsense for Content" link, a brand new page can open where you start to create your selections for the planning of your ad.

You won't get to decide on what ad is displayed, or what company's ad is displayed, however you are doing get to make your mind up if you wish ads that contain pictures, or ads that solely contain text, or a mixture of each, and you may choose your ad block sizes, and therefore the colors, otherwise you will choose a link unit rather than an advertisement unit.

This Article can walk you thru fixing an "Ad Unit". the primary possibility you will select is whether or not you wish an advertisement unit or link unit - since we would like to line up an advertisement unit, we'll choose the radio button beside "Ad Unit". Beside that's a drop down box that may permit you to pick whether or not you wish the ad to point out solely ads with pictures (image only), solely ads with text (text only), or a mixture of each styles of ads.

Note that "text only" ad units aren't a similar as link units. within the image higher than, the ad unit that's being displayed may be a "text" ad unit - this can be what the text solely ad units appear as if. counting on the dimensions of the ad unit chosen, there could also be up to 5 links displayed among a text ad, however this can be still only 1 "Ad Unit".
3. Once you have created your selections here you will click "continue" at the bottom* of the page and move onto consecutive page where you will choose the dimensions of the ad unit, the colors and corner shapes, and therefore the fonts you wish to use.

(*note that if you're using the "single page" possibility rather than the wizard there'll be no "continue" button, therefore merely scroll down the page to search out the opposite options)

The ad "Format" section is where you select the dimensions and form of your ad - whether or not you wish an outsized sq. ad unit, or a extended slim unit (leaderboard), or a vertical (skyscraper) unit. select the format/size you wish by choosing it from the drop down box on the correct.

The ad sizes and formats listed within the drop down box are the sole selections you have got - if the ad size does not specifically suit your area, you will either ought to change the space/container on your web site or select a smaller ad unit. you will not edit the ad codes for AdSense, therefore you cannot change the ad sizes to suit specifically into your web site unless you have designed the web site to accommodate the ad size.

Next you will select the colors of your ad. Note that if you have selected "image only" ads, the color selections will not build abundant distinction. Image ads show the photographs that the advertiser has chosen and therefore the ad style created by the advertiser, therefore changing ad colors for "image only" ads will not have any impact on the ad that displays on your page.

The drop down box to the correct of the colors section contains colour palettes that are pre-designed. you'll be able to select one in every of these color palettes to use for your ads by clicking the name of the palette. within the image higher than, we've selected the "Shadow" palette.

You are not restricted to selecting one in every of these predetermined color choices, though. If you wish to customise the colors to match your web site, or distinction together with your own page colors, you'll be able to use color|the color} boxes below the drop down box to pick your own colour combination.

Click within the box beside the component you wish to vary - the border, the background, the text, etc. and atiny low color alternative box opens beside it for you to pick the color you wish.

You also are not restricted to those color selections. you will note that beside the colored boxes are codes - combos of letters and numbers. These are  "hex codes" (hexadecimal color codes) and if you recognize the hex  code for the color you wish to use, you'll be able to sort in these codes to induce precisely the same color as your web site.

You can notice hex charts on the web just by doing a websearch for "hex codes". Here's an easy one that you just will ask quickly on Webmonkey.

To preview your ad style, you click the "preview this ad unit" link. Keep in mind that the preview doesn't show you the particular ad that may seem on your web site, it solely permits you to preview the ad's style.

The next section on this page permits you to pick a font and font size for the text that seems in your ads.

The last two sections on the page allow you to select whether or not you wish the corners of the ad units sq. or rounded - if you have chosen the border and ad background to be a similar color as your website background, then this would possibly not matter a great deal as a result of no border can show on your page, however if you have chosen contrasting colors, then you will need to decide on one in every of these choices.

The "Alternate Ads or Colours" section allows you to choose an possibility for those times when your ads do not show. this may happen generally if there are not any ads out there that match your content, or if your visitor is from a rustic where there are not any applicable ads to show, or maybe when your website encompasses a policy violation. underneath no matter state of affairs a standard adsense ad won't show, you'll be able to select an alternative choice.

Public Service Ads are used to show ads for charities and different non-profit organizations, and whereas these ads are useful for those teams, they are doing not earn you any income. {a color|a color} box is solely that - a blank box crammed with your alternative of colour. An alternate ad is an advertisement from another supply. If you wish this tutorial, then you're most likely simply obtaining started and will not have an alternate ad supply.

Once you have completed the alternatives on this page, click "continue".

Consecutive page can permit you to setup a custom channel for your new ad. fixing a channel can permit you to trace this ad's performance. whereas you cannot check every individual ad which may seem during this ad slot, you'll be able to track the performance of this ad position. therefore if you're fixing a leaderboard ad to look at the highest position of your web site, you will be ready to see statistics about this explicit spot if you established a channel for it.

Setting up the channel is incredibly easy - you choose the choice to feature a brand new channel (since you are simply obtaining started, you most likely haven't got the other channels yet) and provides the channel a reputation that describes it's location. If you have got quite one web site or blog, you'll be wanting to incorporate the location name along side the position name, therefore your ad channel name may scan one thing like this "mysite1 header leaderboard".

Consecutive step are to provide your new ad a reputation - this may be a similar because the channel, or a reputation that describes it's placement, or the page location on your web site. It are often something that you just notice helpful, otherwise you will skip the ad naming portion. it's not imperative that you just name your ad, it's simply useful for locating it in your ad list later (under manage ads).

You'll note within the image higher than, we tend to didn't offer the ad a special name beyond the dimensions and creation date. When finished with this page, click "submit and acquire code".

The last step is to induce the ad code to position into your web site or blog. This code should be copied from the box it's displayed in, and pasted into your website/blog using the html read of your site.

If you do not savvy to search out the html in your web site or blog, then you will need to. On some blogs you'll be able to use gadgets or widgets for putting the code in - this may ought to be an html/javascript widget/gadget. On some web site builders there are gadget boxes you'll be able to use. If you do not savvy to try to to this, you will need to raise for facilitate in an exceedingly internet development forum or at your webhost if the webhost has provided the web site builder.

Until you're able to paste the code into your web site, you'll be able to paste it into your "notepad" and reserve it. confirm you copy everything within the box, from begin to end, which the code pastes into your web site or your notepad in just a similar approach because it displays within the code box on your page.

Now you are able to paste the ad code into your webpage or blog.
Read Older/Oldest or First Message on Facebook without Scrolling
This is a latest trick to view your friend's messages from oldest to newer series without scrolling over and over again. Facebook allows you to view your Facebook messages [Related: Read Facebook Messages without Showing Seen] from newest to older way. We all know that Facebook is now become a part of life for almost everyone life. We can easily connect with our family, friends, relatives and others. Facebook is also offering free calling to your friends around the world. You can also chat with your connections without any limit. One of my friend ask me to find a way to read very first message without scrolling, specially if you have more than 50,000 messages. Therefore, here is a quick guide to view/read oldest Facebook friend's messages without scrolling.

Check out: Cool WhatsApp & Facebook Status Update for 2016.

read your first facebook messages without scrolling

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Auslogics boostspeed 6 Full and Final. Auslogics BoostSpeed 6 is an impressive suite of tools to help you maximize your PC's operating efficiency. In addition, the program provides extra features that make managing everything about your system that much easier.

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Tons of tools: BoostSpeed offers all kinds of ways to improve your system's overall speed and performance, as well as to protect your privacy and optimize your operating system. The Home section contains options for opening up disk space, improving computer stability, and boosting speed. Scans in these areas are completed automatically when you open the program, and you can quickly repair any or all of them with the click of a button.
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 PC Game
Ghost Warrior 2 has all the hallmarks of a typical modern military FPS: linear corridors filled with thick enemies, strategically placed explosive barrels, one-dimensional characters who spout military jargon and things explosion. But the difference is that you secretly, rather than blasting your way through these tunnels scenario of war nonsense. This feature stealth section.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 PC Game

 At first, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. It looks reasonably pretty thanks , so I thought it might be an enjoyable parade of shallow but visually dazzling set-pieces. Wrong. This is a bad game with a maddening stealth AI, bewildering checkpoint placement, and idiotic ultra-macho dialogue.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 PC Game

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But the sniping must be good, right? It is, after all, a game solely about shooting people from great distances. The rifles feel powerful, and there's wind and bullet drop to consider if you're playing on hard. Long, well-placed shots are rewarded with a slow motion bullet-cam, but it's always an anticlimax. There are no worrying, gruesome Sniper Elite-style exploding heads here; enemies just go limp and fall over with a feeble squirt of blood.
Get Free and Quality Links To Improve SEO
Is much we can do to get traffic we need to succeed with a blog or website determined in internet there are many tips SEO considered key, but also many recommendations that do not work or need a lot of work and effort.

What we do know and are sure of is that really make good money with Google AdSense advertising or monetization system, we must have good traffic flow and this is of quality, the type who really are interested in your topic. Today we will see some recommendations for website optimization to increase visits to your blog.

Get Free and Quality Links To Improve SEO

Get Free and Quality Links To Improve SEO

In many places on the internet we can get quality links to improve the SEO of a blog or website and achieve greater number of visits. A good example is Social Bookmarking where we got not only the link quality for SEO, but generate traffic automatically.

A site I use often, where On this site after creating your profile, you can pair it with your social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. In my case, besides social profiles, publications are automatically on May 1 Facebook Fan pages. That gives a good boost to each publication.

Another place where you can get a quality link for SEO of your website is on YouTube, you create a channel, you upload a video and then look for the option to link the canal with the blog or website. Thus, a dofollow link is achieved, your job is to get others to follow you on that channel, posting several videos and put several links from social profiles, comments on other channels, a blog or website for added strength.

One advantage of a YouTube channel is that you can use to generate traffic (not just for a link quality SEO), these are usually positioned very well, plus the tendency is to view videos. These videos you upload, you can also share your blogs and social networks.

If you have no fear of criticism, a strategy that works well is to create controversial content. Those who create debates in forums and social networks comments for and against in the blog, these publications are the more inbound links generated to a website and all for the viral spread that manage to be the subject of debate.

Of those controversial publications I have many in my business blogs and experience I can say that generate good traffic, many comments and are shared in different forums. The only thing is that as they talk about multilevel marketers who are are pure scams, have also been the victim of negative SEO done by the promoters of these businesses.

I recommend you see the other publication on this, and the link is above in this post. The last tip is that when you write an article to reinforce another, their content is a good complement to the information, but always working it from another point of view. In other words, the other and never be the same.
Most important Use of Internal Linking For SEO 2015
At this time, I'll just say how link building will be useful and how you can make a good SEO. I, of course, not to mention the practice of SEO pages grew up listening to every second blog. But, of course, talking about the importance of hygiene SEO, most bloggers are not so. Yes, internal links is the most ignored and overlooked aspect of on page SEO and describe all the construction of internal communication and how to fix internal building above the title in search results.

Most important Use of Internal Linking For SEO 2015

What is the building intercom?

Internal links is the art of search engine optimization, to link one post to another, so that improve ease of use, blog or website readers and provide them with more relevant content to read.

In simple words,

Construction of internal exile or internal links is the process of connecting page / post web page to another page / message with relevant information through hyperlinks. Here, as the source domain and the target domain are identical.

Why should we do effective internal linking?

Effective link building comes with many benefits that would ultimately help you in proper rankings. Here are some of the benefits of internal linking.

1) Proper navigation:

Internal links on a post and a page help you to access other pages of the website through them. This will help a visitor in navigating through your blog posts.

2) Providing relevant data to readers and search engine bots:

With internal linking you tell the audience that there are other posts/information on the site that is related to the text they are reading or has some additional information. This also tells the bots the same thing and increases the credibility of the site.

For example: In my post on Genesis child themes I gave a link to the post that contained my review of Genesis framework. This will help bots, as well as readers to know that I have another article that is relevant to the context.

3) Help decrease the bounce rates:

Yes, when a reader reads an article on your blog and finds a link that relates to a similar post or a post that takes the discussion further you can expect him to stay longer on your site. This will in turn lower your site’s bounce rates.

4) Pass the link juice to other pages:

When one page of your site is ranking and has a higher page rank or authority you can place a link (in the high ranking page) to a relevant post on your blog that is low in rankings. This will pass the link juice to the linked page and that page will start performing better.

How to do internal link building?

Internal link building is a form of art; the “art of SEO”. This is in a way like building backlinks to your blog on your own blog. It does everything that a backlink does from passing link juice to bringing more traffic and enhancing search engine rankings. In order to do effective internal linking you have to take a look at the following points.

1)  Have lots of content:

In order to link and index more you need more content. You cannot simply go with seven posts and start link building. In this way you will end up making very few internal links. What’s worse is you won’t have relevant links unless all those seven posts of yours are on different topic.

So, for this you need to write content. Write huge number of articles on your niche topics and then internal link them to other relevant posts you have written.

2) Link pages and posts and vice versa:

WordPress pages and posts are similar in appearance but are two different things. For example your about page is a page and the regular blog posts are your posts. In order to pass the rankings to your pages too you need to show them the light of the Google sun. Yes, you should link your pages equally on your posts.

For example: I have linked my about page at a relevant and convenient place on this point. You can link your services/ tools and resources and any other pages in your posts as far as they are not totally different in context.

3) Link the higher authority pages of your site to the less popular/authoritative pages:

In order to truly utilize the value of internal links you need to pass the link juice from pages with higher authority to the ones that have low page authority. I recommend using open site explorer for it.

  1. Go to open site explorer.
  2. Type your homepage URL.
  3. Click on the “top pages” button.
  4. Now you get the top pages by page authority. You can open up these pages and link to your own pages that have weak page authority.

4) Use proper anchor texts:

Using proper anchor texts can make your internal links appear fair in the eyes of Google. They will also help the readers to know what the link opens up for them when they follow it. In case you have a doubt on what anchor texts are, let me tell you that anchor texts are the texts that are used to place the hyperlink on your posts. In the previous point 2, I have linked my blogging resources page using the words “resources page”. Here the words “resources page” are my anchor text.

You won’t want to mess with Google by having super optimized anchor texts. Google considers exact match texts as spam. You cannot link a post titled “how to shave a cat” with the anchor text “how to shave a cat”. This will unleash the Google animals on your blog.

You can simply link it on the go without any more optimized texts. Just do it as the time demands.

5) Link sibling pages:

I did not mean fun in any case. Sibling pages here refer to pages/posts that have any relevancy. You won’t want a link to your “car garage” website from a “dog keeping” website, will you? Now this will apply for your internal links too.

If you are running a multi-niche site or a site that has a single but diverse niche chances are your posts must be of varied topics. You should therefore not link your posts to others not relevant posts.

For example: you should not link a page from your “SEO” post to a post on top ten Hollywood celebrities. (Example applicable, as I said, if you have a diverse multi-niche site).

6) Do follow your internal links:

When you link to some of your posts within that same domain you would want the bots to actually crawl them. It is also a common believed fact, as stated by Danny Sullivan that  no follow links will help you get recognition by showing you don’t sell influence. But in this case, internal links should be allowed to pass freely.

In 2005, when no follow attribute “rel= nofollow” was brought into SEO scene it was not taken much seriously but nowadays it is used and recommended to no follow links that pass link juice to any external site that has less ranks than yours. Passing link juice to your own site is always a good practice so follow all your internal links.

7) Don’t add a heck number of internal links:

Given you read the above benefits of internal linking from my site or heard of it from any other site I fear you have already left to your blog and started adding links.

If so, cry out, read this. You have not filled their pages with too many internal links. No one even knows how many links Matt Cutts is the correct number of links. But, you do not have to go to more than 100 links on the page. Maybe 100 links is also interesting, but if you have a job well-structured and long small feat.
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Here are Popular Game Tekken 3 Free Download. Tekken 3 is the third installment in the popular Tekken fighting game series. It was released for Arcades in March 1997, and for the PlayStation in March - September 1998. 

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