Write Hindi on Facebook Status/Comment/Chat | Type Hindi on Google+
Do you want to write Hindi on your Facebook status updates? Want to use Hindi on Facebook chat or comments? If yes, there are so many online translator services that convert your English to Hindi, called Hinglish. You can check out some online Hindi typing tools that may help you to write fb status in Hindi, such as Google translator and Quill Pad. Peoples like me are very lazy to make text in Hindi via such types of tool, since you have to additionally visit the tools page, making text in Hindi, copy it, and paste to the desire social networking site. It wastes so much time. Here is an exact solution for those who are Hinglish type writer. You don't need to go anywhere on the web even you don't need the internet connection for typing Hindi language. By the following method, you can write Hindi in the way you write English, i.e., to write 'फेसबुक हिंदी इनपुट', press 'facebook hindi input' from your keyboard, it will auto translate to Hindi. The following method is valid for anywhere on the web, such as Google plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Facebook. If you are an android user, you may read, type/write Hindi on Android mobile phones. Therefore, here is how to write Hindi on Facebook Status, Comments, Chat and Google+.

type hindi in facebook status chat comments
Write Hindi in Facebook Stats, chat and comments
You may also check my previous post to write in bold, italic or strikethrough on Facebook. Even you can write the different font styling on Facebook and Google+.
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Send Automatic Tweets to Facebook Fan Page/Status Update
Do you want to send your Twitter tweets to Facebook account automatically? Here is a simple guide that will let your tweet to be posted as a Facebook fan page or status update. Twitter and Facebook both are the most popular platform on the internet. If you are a webmaster, then you must have to keep an account in Twitter and Facebook. If you are a businessman, and you want to share your thought with your partners, workers or friends, those social media sites can help you. We know, specially the webmasters and business owners have the busy schedule on daily basis. Therefore, if we update the same status on both social networking sites manually, it would be more time consuming. By applying this method, you may update your status update by tweeting on Twitter. Therefore, here is a quick guide to post automatic tweets on Facebook by Twitter.
How to send tweets to Facebook status
Send your Twitter tweets to Facebook profile & pages wall status.

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Stylish & Cool Text Generator for Facebook / Google Plus
Do you want to update your status updates with the stylish & cool text formats on Facebook and Google+? If yes, then you have got a right place. In this post, we will show you to convert your text in stylish & cool text that could be use in the status updates, chat box and comments on your Facebook and Google plus accounts. I have find a cool website that convert it more easily. Therefore, here is how to use the stylish and cool text generator for Facebook & Google plus.

cool text generator for Facebook
Cool Text Generator for Facebook & Google+
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