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Do you want to embed Twitter tweets in your blog? Here is a simple guide to do it simply. Twitter is also a best place like other social media sites to drive traffic to your blog. The more re-tweets your post has, the more traffic you'll get. Twitter had changed their site look recently, and now Twitter has officially allowed you to embed any tweets into your blog. Just you have to paste some piece of code, provided by twitter, to where you want to show the embedded tweets. If you are using embed tweet box in your blog, it has so many features listed below. If you are new to my blog, you should also read how can you show your Blogger post featured image, title, description and author information to Twitter via Twitter summary card meta tags when someone tweet your post. Now, take a live preview of embed tweet inside my blog posts that you may re-tweet, favorite it directly via this embedded tweet.
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How to (Deal with/Control) Unwanted Tagged Photos on Facebook
Are you worried for unwanted tagging features on Facebook? Do you interrupt when someone tagged you on unrelated or unwanted photos? This post is a solution for your unwanted tagged photos, and you can even control on unwanted notification on Facebook. I have seen may peoples get unwanted notifications from candy crush game app, even they don't interested to play. You may block candy crush requests. Let a friend uploaded a photo and tagged you while you were not present on that photo, but Facebook will consider that this is your photo that will published on your timeline and your friends may see your tagged photos by his/her news feed. Whenever someone like or comment on it, you will get notification. This is not enough. That is a single case for one friend. It may happen for more than one friend, suppose for ten friends then how many notifications will you get, which are totally unrelated to your profile? You will definitely interrupt with this unwanted tagged feature on Facebook. Therefore, here is a quick solution to deal with unwanted tagging on Facebook.

how to control on unrelated tags on facebook
Set privacy to stop unwanted tagging on Facebook.

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Why Google+ Is Important For SEO | Google Plus & Websites/Blogs
What is the importance of Google Plus in SEO for your websites or blogs? In this article, we will show the important factors to use Google+ that could improve SEO rankings for your websites. Instead of SEO, Google+ is also helpful for drive traffic to your blogs or websites which we will discuss in the following post. Google is promoting its new social platform Google plus. Google Plus is growing rapidly; gaining more followers than any other social network ever did in its early days. Adding Google plus to your website or marketing campaign helps to increase the traffic and ranking of your site in the search engines. Therefore, here is the importance of Google Plus in SEO rankings for blogs.

google plus importance for seo
Google+ Importance for Your Websites
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Write Hindi on Facebook Status/Comment/Chat | Type Hindi on Google+
Do you want to write Hindi on your Facebook status updates? Want to use Hindi on Facebook chat or comments? If yes, there are so many online translator services that convert your English to Hindi, called Hinglish. You can check out some online Hindi typing tools that may help you to write fb status in Hindi, such as Google translator and Quill Pad. Peoples like me are very lazy to make text in Hindi via such types of tool, since you have to additionally visit the tools page, making text in Hindi, copy it, and paste to the desire social networking site. It wastes so much time. Here is an exact solution for those who are Hinglish type writer. You don't need to go anywhere on the web even you don't need the internet connection for typing Hindi language. By the following method, you can write Hindi in the way you write English, i.e., to write 'फेसबुक हिंदी इनपुट', press 'facebook hindi input' from your keyboard, it will auto translate to Hindi. The following method is valid for anywhere on the web, such as Google plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Facebook. If you are an android user, you may read, type/write Hindi on Android mobile phones. Therefore, here is how to write Hindi on Facebook Status, Comments, Chat and Google+.

type hindi in facebook status chat comments
Write Hindi in Facebook Stats, chat and comments
You may also check my previous post to write in bold, italic or strikethrough on Facebook. Even you can write the different font styling on Facebook and Google+.
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Send Automatic Tweets to Facebook Fan Page/Status Update
Do you want to send your Twitter tweets to Facebook account automatically? Here is a simple guide that will let your tweet to be posted as a Facebook fan page or status update. Twitter and Facebook both are the most popular platform on the internet. If you are a webmaster, then you must have to keep an account in Twitter and Facebook. If you are a businessman, and you want to share your thought with your partners, workers or friends, those social media sites can help you. We know, specially the webmasters and business owners have the busy schedule on daily basis. Therefore, if we update the same status on both social networking sites manually, it would be more time consuming. By applying this method, you may update your status update by tweeting on Twitter. Therefore, here is a quick guide to post automatic tweets on Facebook by Twitter.
How to send tweets to Facebook status
Send your Twitter tweets to Facebook profile & pages wall status.

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Stylish & Cool Text Generator for Facebook / Google Plus
Do you want to update your status updates with the stylish & cool text formats on Facebook and Google+? If yes, then you have got a right place. In this post, we will show you to convert your text in stylish & cool text that could be use in the status updates, chat box and comments on your Facebook and Google plus accounts. I have find a cool website that convert it more easily. Therefore, here is how to use the stylish and cool text generator for Facebook & Google plus.

cool text generator for Facebook
Cool Text Generator for Facebook & Google+
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Blue Color Text To Update Facebook Timeline Status-New Method
Color texts always catch the eyes of the viewers so for the blue color. Your Facebook account is nothing without your connections. If a friend posts a status update, it would be appear in your newsfeed. It is similar for your status updates too. You status updates would be appear on your friends newsfeed. Let you have more than 400 friends, and each friend update his/her status two times in a day. It means you will get around 800 posts into your newsfeed. Is it possible to you to read each and every status updates in your news feed? Definitely no. Writing different font style or writing with different colors can catch the eyes of the viewers that are the main advantages of these styling. You can also use bold, italic or strikethrough text to grab the attention on your status. The more attention you have on your status the more likes or comments you get. In this post, I will show you to write in blue color on your Facebook timeline.

Have you created your Facebook ID card? If no, Here is a quick way to create your Facebook Id Card.

Update: Many users complaining that the method is not working, because Facebook has stopped it. Don't worry, I have done it again by making a simple tweak. Just follow the below post, you can write in blue text on Facebook timeline. Therefore, here is how to change font color on Facebook timeline - new method.
write in blue color text in Facebook status and comments
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Add Pinterest/Pin It(Counter) Button With Thumbnail To Blogger
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing networks on the web. If you don't know about Pinterest, then read what is Pinterest? If we compare Pinterest users to other social media sites one to two years after the launch, Facebook had 6 million users, while Twitter had 3 million users and Pinterest has 10.4 million users. The daily visit to Pinterest site has gone up 145 percent since the beginning of 2012. If you have blogs/websites or you want to promote your small business on the web, then Pinterest may help you to gain the traffic of your blogs/websites. When I joined Pinterest, I have added some article to the pinboard in Pinterest and look at our traffic stat after a day that shows me the referral traffic are coming from Pinterest. Get to more engage with Pinterest, allow your visitors to "pin it" your articles to their pinboard by adding Pinterest "Pin It" button. If you want to add Pinterest "Pin It" button with counter and thumbnail to your blogger, you may know that official Pinterest site has no "Pin It" button with counter for blogs hosted on Blogger. If you want to show the Pinterest counter Pin It button with thumbnail into your blogger, then below is the code in which we have used bookmarklet to choose your post thumbnail and used the negative margin on the Pinterest counter for click to open Pinterest bookmarklet. Here is how to add Pinterest "Pin It" counter button with thumbnail to blogger.

Pinterest Pin It counter button to blogger

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Get Old Facebook Photo Viewer, Remove Facebook Photo Theater
Facebook has been upgraded the site's photo viewer, called Facebook Photo Theater, so that the users could easily like, comment, share and tag the photo in a pop-up window which looks at the little bit ugly. If you have a slow internet connection, this photo theater may take long time to load the photo and its comment. Many users want to get back the old Facebook photo viewer, If you are also belonged to them, you are here to the correct place. We did a search for this issue on the web and find the way that, click on the photo in your News feed which will open on the popup window and then refresh your page by pressing F5 from your keyboard. You will get the old Facebook photo viewer layout, but if you do that, firstly a window pop-up load the photo and after that if you refresh by pressing the F5 button, your photo will take double time to load a photo so if you have a limited internet pack, then it is not good for you because you will have to lose double data for a single size photo. Apply the below method and get experienced with the exact old way of the photo viewer which was present in the Facebook before. So here is how to get back the old Facebook photo viewer.

remove facebook photo theater
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