Text formatting such as bold, italic and strike-through is a good technique to catch the eye of the viewers. You may use these text formatting into Google plus posts and comment section. Text formatting is basically a technique to show the most important part inside any paragraph by making it bold, italic or strikethrough. To make these formatting on your text, you have to use some special characters at the suffix and prefix in your words. You may also check out the mostly common slang word's full form used on social networks like Google+ and Facebook by going to
Facebook Slang post. As in my previous post, I wrote about how to use these
formatting texts in Facebook chat, status updates, and groups. you can now also
use rich text formatting in WhatsApp. In this post, we will also use the technique that is slightly different from the previous post. Therefore, here is how to
use Google+ formatting as Bold, Italic and Strikethrough text.
Bold, Italic & Strikethrough in Google+ |
Featured: Write Upside Down Rotate Text on Google+ & Facebook
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